What am I doing now?

This is a now page. It tells you what I'm focused on at this point in my life.

I'm currently living in Austin, Texas, where I'm embracing the challenges and joys of my latest projects and personal pursuits.

Professional Focus:

  • Software Development: I'm deep into the development of a new app designed to help freelancers manage their workflows more efficiently. My days are filled with coding, testing, and user feedback sessions to ensure we're on track for our September release.
  • Writing: Every morning starts with an hour of writing. I'm working on a series of blog posts about the intersection of technology and mindfulness, which I plan to publish bi-weekly on my personal blog.

Personal Projects:

  • Gardening: I've taken up gardening as a way to disconnect from screens and get back to nature. My current challenge is cultivating a vegetable garden in my backyard with an aim to grow all my salad greens this season.
  • Music: I'm learning to play the guitar, practicing at least 30 minutes a day. It's been a great way to improve my creative thinking and unwind after a long day.

Health Fitness:

  • Running: Preparing for my first half-marathon in October, I run early in the mornings along Lady Bird Lake. The goal is not just to finish but to enjoy the training journey.
  • Yoga: I attend a yoga class thrice a week to maintain flexibility and reduce stress. It's a great counterbalance to the physical intensity of running.


I am currently reading "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman, which is providing fascinating insights into human decision-making processes. I aim to read one book per month, focusing on personal development and science fiction genres.

What's Next

Once the app launches, I plan to take a short break to travel to Japan - a long-time dream of mine - and explore its technology scene and historic sites.

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